Sunday, October 26, 2008


India has always glorified to be the land of celebrations ,cultures and a carnucopia of assortments that follow with each of those.I always loved em...these indian celebrations..whether it be holi,pooja,onam,diwali.... (thanks to the diversity we have no ends to this list).But as i pen these words my worlds been shaken by tumultous activists around me....

Nah...not terrorists or jihadis who have suddenly decided to have an onslaught upon this naive poor girl.Nooo.....Not our antique musuem piece politicians and their thugs.they certainly not include guerilla fighters.But the protagonists who r currently ripping my world apart and make me curse every bone in their body are a bunch of kids....and their goons named mummy daddy..pata patti..uncle aunty!!!What in the world..u may say...but thats the truthe..the truth alone and nothing but the truth.
I was woken up some n hrs the wee hours of the sounds of the world comin to an it the so called hallowed doomsday thats finally arrived to take its rightful place??Earthquake...??yes the windows r shaking tooo.....The thoughts clouded in on a sleepy mind to obsure the reality....What the hell...Ishouted to the large form on the other side..
Its Diwali........ohh....ohhhhhhhh......ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Diwali in my part of the world was a nice red colored day on the calendar when you had no school no college,, absolutely fantastic day to laze around.. Sporadic farts of crackers to be heard in the distance..lil sparkling lamps lighted at homes n a day like any other .Welll,,,,...grass is never the same on both sides.
Here they go again...thunderous ear splitting roars of crackers .Sounds of a thousand machineguns ricochetingoff my walls....little boys and little gals reminiscent of the little boy and fat man .. oOOh..there it comes another loud series ...Bang Bang bang ....Bang bang into my house.. Bang bang into my ears.... Bang bang into my sleep.Ihave a half mind to wander down in this semi sane state, grab hold of a bunch and shove petrol down their you realise its the situations that brings out the animal in really cant blame these hard core cruel molestors then...maybe they burst crackers in his face tooo.......

Well..before i antrez into the ever bourgeoning world of child molestors let me throw light on the point to be stressed...festivals and occassions can be fun maximo..but not when you are being a huge pain in the arse...Live and Let live...Touche!!!!!!


DPhatsez said...
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DPhatsez said...

Large form?! Tch!